Monday Aug 29, 2022
Monday Aug 29, 2022
Dr Kim joined us to talk about the use of the ViewRay MRIdian for treatment of pancreatic cancer at Hoag Hospital. Dr Kim explains that the tumor needs to be hit with high energy x-ray beams. To be able to hit the tumor you need to be able to see the tumor. It's that simple.
This is the only machine that uses MRI imaging to visualize the tumor. Tumors move with each breath and this machine allows the tracking of the tumor in real time allowing them to be precise in delivering treatment.
This episode of Living Hope is dedicated to the donors of the View Ray MRIdian Dean and Gerda Koontz
#DeanandGerdaKoontz #PancreaticCancer #Hoag Health
See the ViewRay MRIdian https://youtu.be/RRx8kd0vaXw
Wednesday Aug 03, 2022
A woman goes from Caregiver to Patient after losing her husband to pancreatic cancer
Wednesday Aug 03, 2022
Wednesday Aug 03, 2022
Susie Lemieux was the Caregiver for her husband, Peter. Peter survived 11 months before his death. Six months after losing her husband, Susie was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. People came to her and asked how did she get it, was it contagoius? Susie had nothing to compare it with and assumed in a year she would also be dead.
Susie moved back to California with her daughter, Natascha. Natascha became her Caregiver and was very supportive and involved in her healing journey. Susie decided to take a little different route for her healing. Susie shares her unique journey from Caregiver to Patient/Survivor and Natascha shares her journey as Caregiver for her mom. Hear their inspirational journey.
"As long as you speak my name, I shall live forever." This episode is dedicated to Susie's husband, Peter Lemieux.
Tuesday Aug 02, 2022
Tuesday Aug 02, 2022
Christina Parrish, is a 14 year "Sur-Thriver" of Stage 4 Pancreatic Cancer. Christina describes herself as sur-thriver because she strives to thrive everyday. "It's important to realize that you are surviving everyday no matter the struggles." Christina is the Founder of The Purple Iris Foundation. Their mission is to raise awareness, provide support, and give hope to indivduals and families affected by cancer, in Maine. Christina was in great shape and exercised regularly. She will share her journey with us and how her workout on a Pilates ball sent her to the doctor.
If you or anyone you know is in Maine you can contact The Purple Iris Foundation
- https://www.purpleirisfoundation.com/
- purpleirisfoundation@gmail.com
- PHONE: 207-579-1969
"As long as you say my name, I shall live forever." This episode of Living Hope is dedicated to Peggy Kessler. Peggy was diagnosed in 2001 and died in 2018. Chris and I had the honor of meeting Peggy. Peggy was a great inspiration not only to us but those she came in contact with.
Wednesday Jul 20, 2022
”They come not in single spies but they come in battalions.”
Wednesday Jul 20, 2022
Wednesday Jul 20, 2022
A quote from Hamlet is how Kitty felt when getting her diagnosis of pancreatic cancer. Kitty was going through a difficult time dealing with her father's illness, a friend in the hospital, so much going on at one time. It felt like the whole army was marching down on her. How does someone diagnosed with pancreatic cancer feel like they are the luckist person in the world? Kitty is very open in sharing her journey with us. Kitty shares advice given to her husband from her Dr "Your wife is not a statistic, she is a person." As well as her own advice, "Dont' lose hope, don't lose hope, be here while you're here."
"As long as you speak my name, I shall live forever." This episode is dedicated to Charlotte Rae, a great inspiration and the woman who introduced us. We love you Charlotte!
Friday Jul 08, 2022
Friday Jul 08, 2022
Eleven people out of one hundred will be alive five years after their pancreatic cancer diagnosis. The five-year survival rate for pancreatic cancer patients has increased recently from a single digit number to 11%. Tori Larrick, Patient Services Manager ll with the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network recently shared with us why early detection and better treatment options are some of the reasons why we are seeing this increase.
This episode of Living Hope is dedicated to PanCAN's Survivor Council and Survivor Council Alumni. The Survivor Council was formed to represent the voice of survivors and they are committed to ensuring that the survivor perspective is integrated into all that PanCAN does.
Friday Jul 01, 2022
Friday Jul 01, 2022
Ken Parme, a husband, father, grandfather a man with many talents when asked how he wants to be remembered he replied very simply "as a kind man." Ken is a very kind, friendly, talented man who I've had the pleasure of knowing for a number of years. It wasn't until he shared his journey with us that I realized how much we had in common in regards to our diagnosis. In December 2012 Ken was diagnosed with an inoperable tumor. The tumor was wrapped around his veins, and lying against his aorta.
Ken took good care of himself, ate right and was active. He was a power walker and one day on a walk with his wife Rebecca, he couldn’t keep up with her. Rebecca insisted he go see his doctor. Tests were done and Ken was told he was a diabetic and started on insulin immediately. After starting insulin, Ken still felt lousy, so his wife made an appointment with an endocrinologist. Ken, shares his journey starting with his diagnosis of an inoperable pancreatic cancer tumor, his treatment with chemotherapy, the use of the new Cyber-Knife, his eight years "stable status" and a book he and his wife wrote together. Ken and Rebecca Parme wrote a book “In The Gaze of The Divine, Life with Pancreatic Cancer.” from the patient/survivor and caregiver point of view. Available on Amazon. Ken has also written a children's book available on Amazon “The Adventures of Madde Mckinsey
This episode of Living Hope is dedicated to Ken's wonderful, wife and Caregiver, Rebecca. We want to leave you with a quote from their book, “May we all get to the place where we can accept -let go- and focus on the blessing of the day.”
Friday Jul 01, 2022
Friday Jul 01, 2022
Paul and I sat down and had a chat about the ways in which COVID has complicated people's battle with pancreatic cancer. The affects it had on the patient and their families. Being back in person at PurpleStride, how having a positive outlook can get you through the difficult times. What we hope for the future of Living Hope and more!
#PurpleStrideOC #PurpleStride #PancreaticCancer #COVID
Saturday Jun 25, 2022
Saturday Jun 25, 2022
Laurie Paolone went to lunch with friends. Later when she wasn't feeling well she thought she had food poisoning. When the symptoms became worse she went to the Dr and was treated for an ulcer. It wasn't until someone noticed she was jaundice (yellowing of skin/eyes) that she was told to go to the ER immediately and learned she had pancreatic cancer. The first thing Laurie thought of was "oh my God, I can't have my parents bury me." Laurie shares her inspirational journey through the roller coaster ride of diagnosis, the Whipple, chemotherapy, radiation, being cancer free to reoccurrences, only OC Talk Radio, Orange County’s only community radio station, live streamed from UCI Beall Applied Innovation Center at the Cove.
Wednesday May 18, 2022
What is a Caregiver?
Wednesday May 18, 2022
Wednesday May 18, 2022
This episode of Living Hope is a continuation of a pervious conversation about being a Caregiver with Stephanie Ruvalcaba Ho. What is a Caregiver? If you provide help to another person in need, you are a caregiver. Caregivers can be professional - hired through an agency or a family member stepping up. Caregivers come in all different types - the one who takes care of all the medical needs, runs errands, meals, personal needs. There is a lot to being a Caregiver, many challenges, roll coaster of emotions. Even with all these feelings there are some good things that can come out of this difficult situation. Listen as we have a very open and honest discussion here only on OC Talk Radio, Orange County's only community radio station streaming live from UC I Beall Applied Innovation at the Cove.
This episode of Living Hope is dedicated to all Caregivers and thank them for their care, support and love during our journey. I’d like to end with a quote from Former First Lady, Rosalynn Carter: “There are only four kinds of people in this world: those who have been caregivers, those who are currently caregivers, those who will be caregivers and those who will need caregivers. Caregiving is universal.”
Tuesday May 17, 2022
Wow! It’s been a year already?
Tuesday May 17, 2022
Tuesday May 17, 2022
I can't believe a year has come and gone! Who knew, for me the first episode I would go from "Executive Producer," to actually becoming the host. Looking back through our first year, so many amazing journeys, each one left me with wanting to learn more. We shared so many emotions, laughter and tears but each one filled with love. Many of the journey's may not have had the outcome we hoped for but we still found something positive, some strength we could take from every journey. Join us on our weekly journey as we provide hope here only on OC Talk Radio Orange County's only radio station live streaming from our station here at UCI Beall Innovation Center at the Cove
For Patient Services please contact the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network at
877-PAN 2-CAN
Share your journey by contacting us at octalkradio.net or paul@octalkradio.net
or email livinghopepc@outlook.com
Check out the Hirshberg Foundation for Pancreatic Cancer Research https://pancreatic.org/ for the recording of the 16th Annual Symposium that took place on April 23, 2022